Why i chose front end development :)

Why i chose front end development :)

Beginners view


2 min read

console.log('Hello World'); My name is Vasil ๐Ÿ˜€ Creative guy with uncreative job. Well this of course was one of the reasons why i choose this but there are few. I have done some researching and asking friends that work in IT about the opportunities in this field and the atmosphere in the places where they work. I was asking them how are the people, are they learning and constantly improving in their jobs. I work in the HR field and I'm LL.M in intellectual property law btw.

So i gathered and researched some resources and i started to learn. That was about 3 months before i write this post. Front end development was my choice because seemed to me that is the good option for a guy in totally different work field to break the ice in the IT industry. This is the path when you can see the things and inspect what they are made of and give a personal touch. For example we all see websites on the net or use different apps so how cool would be to know how to made them, design them, understand how they work. Yes i know, very cool๐Ÿ˜„

Of course I started with HTML & CSS. It was very fun to write on VSCode and build something for the first time. I was learning from tutorials on YouTube,FreeCodeCamp, courses, stackoverflow... Web development in 2021 from Brad Traversy was the first ever video or information about this topic that i saw. Will never forget that.

While learning and building a few projects already i decided to enrolled on some of the Coding academies. So why i did this ? Well i was thinking about coding academy from the very first steps but i started alone anyway. I was doing good don't get me wrong but i thought that coding academy with actual classes and mentors will make me only better. I decided to start at coding academy because:

  • it will make me more consistent at learning and coding.
  • it will make me think like a programer
  • interaction with mentors and colleagues about the same topics and project will feel good and make me better about this.

So I choose Code Academy and I'm starting on December 1st. After 3.5 moths learning alone i'm really exited about this and will share more about this topic.

Few weeks ago i also started with Java Script and the basic concepts. I also started to document my journey on my twitter profile https://twitter.com/VKaratashev . Tech twitter rocks ๐Ÿค˜ and is very good resource for beginners like me to constantly read about web development.

Wish me luck & happy coding! :)
