5 Things That Will Improve Every Beginner Developer!

5 Things That Will Improve Every Beginner Developer!

So here are my 5 things that i think will benefit you as a beginner at programming because I'm trying to implement all 5 every day and i feel that I'm on a right track :)

1. Focus

As you start focus on one thing/task at a time! Many times at the start you will want to know everything and you will try to watch a video of every Tool and technology out there. Well don't. Make your own path and program and stick to that. For example start learning HTML, CSS then JS. Don't try to waste your time to learn let's say React at the very beginning or watch youtube videos for technologies that you will learn later and require more advanced knowledge. You can't learn HTML, React, Python at the same time.

2. Code every day!

Try to develop a habit to code everyday. Thats how you will constantly learn and improve. It's better to code 1 hour a day every week instead to code only on Sunday for 7 hours. Try to organise your time so you will use every day for learning and coding. You will feel great.

3. Make your own coding environment

Talk with other friends developers, read e-books, articles or blogs about programming. Open twitter account if you don't have one. This one help me a lot. Tech twitter is a good place to use social app for learning. You will constantly read tips and articles and other people journeys. This will help you. Maybe treat yourself a new hardware if it will make you feel more like a programmer. Let's say new keyboard or something like that. You should leave the imposter syndrome and start act and behave like developer. Good tip i found on tech twitter about this topic is

Don't say for yourself aspiring web developer or programmer or put this phrase on twitter bio. You are learning and building things, YOU ARE A DEVELOPER.

4. Document your coding journey

Whether is tech blog or tweet about your learning and your journey doesn't matter. Just DO IT! Many will think that nobody will want to listen what you have to say about this or you are not good enough or don't have enough knowledge to write interesting things but believe me that your writing while learning will help someone in the world. Write or tweet simple things, what did you learn or read. Write about your learning process. Someone out there will benefit from your words and also you.

And the last one but maybe the most important one.


Never stop to believe in yourself! Always find the way to motivate yourself no matter how overwhelming the coding process is or how hard the problem is. While learning you will feel different every day or week that's a fact. You should always think about what motivated you in a first place to start to code and become a developer. Think what do you want to become in a year or two from now, imagine how you lend your first tech job. Do everything you could to motivate yourself on a daily basis. Remember! Start small, finish small segments and coding problems. Learn step by step. That will motivate you that you are on right track. You should follow motivational programmers on youtube also. Check Chris Sean , he has super fun videos that will motivate you to go on.

Hope that this will help someone in a way that is helping me everyday :)